Master of Science in Urban Planning Dual Degrees

Dual degrees are formal programs approved by the Graduate College that result in the conferral of two degrees. Students who are interested in earning a Master of Science in Urban Planning degree from the University of Arizona have the opportunity to earn a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) degree concurrently, in less time than it would take to earn each degree separately. 

A dual MBA/MS Urban Planning degree is available for students interested in business and development, green building, land and resource use, and regional planning. Interested candidates can begin their first year in either the Eller College of Management's MBA or our MS Urban Planning program but do need to be admitted to both programs independently. Students earn both degrees in three years. If completed separately, most students would finish in four years. 

The dual MRED/MS Urban Planning degree is designed for students who are interested in the development of sustainable built environments through the practices of responsible real estate development and urban planning. Students need to be admitted to each program independently, and are able to complete this dual degree in just five semesters.

Applying to Dual-Degree Programs

You must apply and be admitted to each program individually to undertake dual-degree graduate studies at UArizona.