Friends of Planning at the University of Arizona Planning Excellence Competition



1 – 5 p.m., April 14, 2021


The Friends of Planning is sponsoring an individual or team planning project competition for graduate urban planning students at The University of Arizona.

The competition is intended to spotlight high quality student work, foster enrichment of the graduate student experience and facilitate mentoring through evaluation and feedback of student work efforts by locally practicing planners.

The projects presented during this virtual public event will be evaluated by a jury of professional planners to include Friends of Planning board members and may include other members of the Planning Community. All CAPLA students are welcome to participate. However, teams must include a minimum of one student enrolled in the University of Arizona of Master of Science in Urban Planning program and only Urban Planning students are eligible to receive awards.

Awards will be given to the first, second, and third place finishers in the Individual and/or Team category:

  • First Place: $1,000
  • Second Place: $350
  • Third Place: $150


Philip Stoker


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