Walking the Unwalkable City: An Exploration of Walking Conditions, Experiences and Interventions in the Global South: Lecture by Seth Asare Okyere

Hosted by the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning



Noon – 12:50 p.m., Oct. 3, 2022


In the global north, walking is presented as having both intrinsic and instrumental value, with immense benefits for the social, economic and environmental aspects of urban living. While true, this romantic view of walking finds exceptions in the global south, where walking is less of the urban "flaneur" and more of the "captive walker". This lecture brings forward conditions and experiences of a walking city that is not walkable and, most importantly, resident improvisations to minimize walking inequities.

Join us in person for the Fall 2022 CAPLA Lecture Series, held in the CAPLA East Archon Room and online via Zoom.

Light lunch will be served to those attending in person. The lecture will be held in the Archon room (CAPLA A400). Overflow space will be in Triangle North (CAPLA A304X), for attendance via Zoom.

Registration for both in-person and online attendance is required:


About Seth Asare Okyere

Seth Asare Okyere

Seth Asare Okyere PhD is trained in urban and development planning and is currently a visiting assistant professor at the University of Arizona. At UArizona, Seth is the Emerging Faculty Fellow engaged in interdisciplinary work on resilient and equitable urbanism in the urban north and south. He is primarily engaged in the urban planning program while extending his base across geography, planning and sustainable development solutions. He promotes mission-focused approaches to support communities and institutions to better understand their contexts as well as utilize existing potentials, tools and networks to build capacity and foster resilience to existing/emerging socio-spatial and environmental stressors and shocks.


Gina Chorover


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