The Challenge of Localization | Mainstreaming Urban Resilience into Local Development Plans in Metro Manila: Lecture by Seth Asare Okyere



5 to 6:30 p.m., Jan. 13, 2023


Extreme climate change impacts layered on existing socioeconomic vulnerabilities are becoming a new normal for cities in the global south. This reality has generated a new global consensus around the Sustainable Development Goals, New Urban Agenda and Sendai Framework to direct equitable resilience planning in global south cities. Yet, this developmental approach assumes that international frameworks automatically translate into local resilience planning processes and outputs. This presentation elevates the challenge of localization in Metro Manila and the urgency to appropriately conceive southern planners' capacity to foster resilient and equitable urbanisms. 

Join us in person for this Spring 2023 CAPLA Lecture Series event, held in the CAPLA 103 Auditorium, 5:00-6:30 p.m.  The event includes a reception in Sundt Gallery or Underwood Sonoran Garden.

Please register below.

About Seth Asare Okyere

Seth Asare Okyere

Seth Asare Okyere PhD is trained in urban and development planning and is currently a visiting assistant professor at the University of Arizona. At UArizona, Seth is the Emerging Faculty Fellow engaged in interdisciplinary work on resilient and equitable urbanism in the urban north and south. He is primarily engaged in the urban planning program while extending his base across geography, planning and sustainable development solutions. He promotes mission-focused approaches to support communities and institutions to better understand their contexts as well as utilize existing potentials, tools and networks to build capacity and foster resilience to existing/emerging socio-spatial and environmental stressors and shocks.


Header photo by AGDProductions, courtesy Pixabay.


Laura Hollengreen


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