Daniel A. Linder, MPS

Adjunct Faculty, Sustainable Real Estate


  • Real Estate Development
  • School of Landscape Architecture and Planning
Daniel A. Linder

Areas of Expertise

  • Sustainable Real Estate
  • Impact Investing & Blended Capital
  • Startups & Early-Stage Ventures
  • Governance & Leadership


  • Master of Professional Studies in Global Real Estate, Georgetown University
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance & Real Estate, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee


Daniel Linder is a leader, educator, and entrepreneur specializing in sustainable real estate, startups, and innovation. With over 25 years of experience in advisory, banking, and family enterprise, he has co-founded and led ventures focused on sustainable real estate development, innovation, and public-private partnerships.​​

Daniel is a Co-Founder, Board Member, and the CEO of CIMBEL, a startup community-based development organization advancing net-zero real estate practices. Additionally, he is a Member of the Impact & Sustainable Finance Faculty Consortium at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, contributing thought leadership on sustainability, impact investing, and real estate finance. He also serves as Vice Chair of the Private Directors Association’s University & Family Business Centers Committee, expanding governance education nationwide.​​

He holds advanced degrees and certifications from MIT, Georgetown, and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.​​

Outside of work, he enjoys playing music, hiking, golf, supporting the arts, and watching baseball. He values creativity and interdisciplinary thinking in both professional and personal pursuits.


Grad. Certificate Impact & Sustainable Investments

Social Entrepreneurship

Tufts University (in-progress)


Professional Development

Venture Advancement Bootcamp

Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship

Massachusetts Institute of Technology