Rachel LaMantia
After graduating from the Bachelor's in Sustainable Built Environments, Rachel LaMantia went on to earn her Master of Science in Architecture, Design and Energy Conservation. SBE allowed her to seamlessly transition into that program, applying credits achieved as an undergrad towards credits needed for her graduate degree. She is now an EnergyRater for EnergyLogic in Denver, Colorado. As a RESNET® EnergyRater, she goes to new construction residential homes, at both rough and final stages, and performs energy inspections and tests. She inspects insulation and air barriers, performs HVAC and building envelope leakage tests and measures fan flows and bedroom pressure. From there she enters all of the data gathered and test results into Ekotrope, an energy modeling software, where she then gets an energy efficiency score for the house. This is all done in hopes of creating healthier and more resilient homes, while also reducing energy consumption.