CAPLA is a community built upon welcoming unique and diverse perspectives from students, faculty, and staff from all types of backgrounds. In this mindset of celebrating the members of our community and recognizing their unique needs, we are happy to launch the CAPLA First-Generation Alliance.
The CAPLA First-Generation Alliance welcomes any student, staff or faculty member who is currently, or has previously, paved the way for their immediate family, being among the first to attend college.
Recognizing that the transition and pathways are not always clear, this alliance serves to connect those who identify as first-generation and provide support, guidance and resources that can help students in their own development and pursuit of their goals.
To launch this initiative, we invite you to a pizza lunch as a way to begin building this alliance. Information and the registration link is provided below. Registration is not required to attend this event but strongly encouraged, to help us plan for food.
Building this alliance is hopefully to start to much greater recognition and support for our First-Generation students.