Thank you for your interest in the CAPLA drone. This is a highly regulated, expensive piece of equipment that you will be responsible for. Therefore, we want to make sure you are trained in the use of the drone and aware of your responsibilities before you are allowed to take it out.
To check out a drone, you need to complete these training steps:
- Study these documents for a broad understanding of FAA regulations and your responsibilities.
- Remote Pilot Study Guide
- Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Sport Pilot, Rereational Pilot, and Private Pilot. This is the resource you will be given during the actual FAA drone pilot certification.
- Watch the Course on aerial videography free at UA Computer Based Training series
- Install the DJI Go App on your phone and/or wireless tablet (needs a cellular connection)
- Watch the safety tutorials in the App
- Pass the CAPLA Drone Quiz - available at (IN Process)
Once you have passed the CAPLA exam, you are eligible to check out the Drone. Before taking the drone, you will need to provide a use case that includes the following information:
- Operator(s) Name, email and cell phone number. Only the listed operators will be allowed to use the drone
- Location(s) of the drone flight
- Letter giving permission for each location
- Reservation time
You will also need to demonstrate proper setup, takeoff and landing to a designated CAPLA drone instructor. Below is a copy of the Pre-Flight and Flight Checklists.
Pre-Flight Preparations
- Please make sure you double-check the inventory list before taking the Drone from the office. You will be responsible for any missing parts when it is returned.
- Install DJI Go app on your phone or wireless tablet (needs a cellular connection)
- Watch the safety tutorials in the App
- Download and install DJI pre-flight checklist app or use the paper version (download here)
- Make sure to take of the camera cover before turning on the drone. The camera gimble does a movement check and you can damage the camera if it is not removed.
- Check battery capacity by pushing button on the back of the battery pack
- On the drone controller, click the power button twice, holding it down until it beeps.
- On the drone, click the power button twice, holding it down until it starts.
- Check that the light on the controller is green. If it is red, it did not connect to the drone. If it is red, please check that the antennas are correct. If that does not work, check the troubleshooting video in the DJI App (under Academy in the menu – Linking the Remote Controller)
- Connect your phone or tablet to the controller with a USB cord. You will need to provide the correct connection cord. From the DJI Go App, select the DI Phantom 3 Professional and click on the Camera button.
- From the connected app you can finish going through the checklist using the onscreen information. Download and install DJI pre-flight checklist app or use the paper version (download here)
You may now take the drone to your site. Please be sure to get permission to fly your drone in that area. Note that certain areas, such as the UA, hospitals and national parks have strict regulations about drone use.
- Walk your site and make note of any obstacles that may cause issues with the drone.
- Go to your site and do the Pre-takeoff checklist (download here)
- Check the Flight Settings for the Drone (provide directions for setting all of this)
- Make sure to set the Home Point setting before flight
- Make sure Remote Controller Signal Lost is set to Return Home
- Set Max flight altitude – 50 meters
- Set Max flight distance – 50 meters
- If you need a longer distance, please present a use case to the department before checkout.
- Turn on Head LED
- Activate Smart Return to home
If you have any questions, please contact the drone coordinator or CAPLA IT at
CAPLA Drone User Policy
CAPLA’s School of Planning and Landscape Architecture has a drone that is available to their graduate students. Please review the policies before reserving the drone
What are the steps for using the drone?
- Being trained and certified by one of CAPLA drone instructors
- Training Documentation is above
- CAPLA Drone Quiz is available in Qualtrics
- Demonstrate proper setup, takeoff and landing to drone instructor
- Must provide a use case explanation (Must include the following)
- Operator(s) Name, email and cell phone number. Only the listed operators will be allowed to use the drone
- Location(s) of the drone flight
- Letter giving permission for each location
- Reservation time
- Printed copy of startup checklist or DJI pre-flight checklist app installed
If you are using the drone on campus there are a number of steps you must take. Below are links to the UA Drone Policies and other important links.
University of Arizona Drone Policy
The operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), also known as drones, has become increasingly popular for a growing number of educational, commercial, and safety purposes. UAS also offer significant teaching and research opportunities at the University of Arizona. At the same time, UAS present health, safety, and environmental risks, as well as privacy concerns that must be balanced with the University’s other missions. UAS are also heavily regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The operation of drones on campus is managed by UA’s Risk Management Department. More information is available below.
UA Drone Approval Request
By submitting a Drone Approval Request you agree to all terms and conditions as defined by RMS.
The operation of unmanned aircraft systems including drones and model aircraft is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and relevant state law. This document is intended to establish procedures required to ensure compliance with those legal obligations and to reduce risks to safety, security, and privacy. Recreational use of UAS on campus is prohibited on or above UA property.
The University of Arizona must comply with FAA requirements, state law, and any other locally applicable laws or regulations regarding unmanned aircraft systems. Also, inherent risks in the operation of such equipment require additional insurance provisions and policy considerations.
Additional Links
Obtaining your Commercial Remote Pilot (Drone) License
Airman Knowledge Testing (AKT) Centers
Suggested Study Materials