Welcome Back, Students!

Nancy Pollock-Ellwand

January 13, 2022

Welcome back to campus—whether you are online or in person! We look forward to seeing you in studios, classrooms, D2L, the Materials Labs and all around the college.

I hope you had a wonderful and restful break and are ready to dive into what will be another rewarding semester.

As you have seen from President Robbins’ messages and the new signs around the CAPLA building, face masks are required within our facilities, including the exterior stairwells. Additionally, eating is not allowed inside the building.

In lieu of cloth masks, please wear disposable surgical-grade or better masks. You did a great job last semester of helping to keep the pandemic in check at CAPLA, and we’ll do our best to keep you, your fellow students, faculty, staff, and visitors safe by continuing to abide by face mask guidelines.

This semester, advising remains virtual until further notice. If you have an urgent matter while in the building, however, you may ring the doorbell at the Student and Alumni Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and an advisor should be able to assist you.

Be sure to read the emails that come from your advisors, as they contain important information and opportunities.

Be sure to engage with CAPLA’s many diverse student organizations and attend our public events. You’ll definitely want to participate in the Job Interview Fair on February 10 and 11, as well as sit in on our informative lecture series. Both the Job Interview Fair and many of the lectures are offered in person and online. For the latest information, visit capla.arizona.edu/events.

Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. You are in a challenging program, and ensuring you get enough sleep, exercise and proper nutrition can make all the difference.

Have a great semester!

Nancy Pollock-Ellwand
Dean and Professor
College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture
The University of Arizona