CAPLA students new and old, join us on Thursday, September 9, via Zoom for the 2021 CAPLA Club Crawl!
At this interactive event, you'll have the opportunity to hear from representatives of CAPLA's dynamic, diverse student organizations plus ask questions 1:1 about the role these important extracurricular activities have for you, the college and the community. Getting involved in a student organization is one of the best ways to connect with the CAPLA community, find support from fellow students, volunteer to support the broader Tucson community and make lifelong friends!
The Zoom link has been emailed to all students.
The following organizations will be in attendance:
- AIAS: American Institute of Architecture Students
- ASLA: American Society of Landscape Architects
- CAPLA ISC: International Students Club
- CAPLA Student Ambassadors
- GPS: Graduate Planning Society
- NOMA: National Organization of Minority Architects Arizona Student Chapter
- PUENTE: CAPLA Hispanic Student Organization
- USGBC: U.S. Green Building Council UArizona Chapter
- WIAS: Women in Architecture Society
Plus, learn more about HeadSPACE, a CAPLA group that organizes time and space where students can collectively explore ways to de-stress and have fun. The social and wellness events of HeadSPACE are a big part of the CAPLA social culture.