American Society of Landscape Architects

The American Society of Landscape Architects has a mission to lead, educate and participate in the careful stewardship, wise planning and artful design of our cultural and natural environments.

Landscape architects, designers, students and teachers in Arizona are individuals with distinct approaches to the profession. But our goals are united to develop and enhance the environment we live in. We champion the challenges through problem solving and partnership building. Join us today as leaders and innovators, building on the foundations of past landscape architects, to continue paving the trail for community health and vitality. AzASLA needs your energy and creativity—to turn complex issues into opportunities through governance, volunteerism, outreach, and education. Together, we can define a future for landscape architecture that is central to improved public health, safety, quality of life and economic vitality of the communities we interact with, which in turn, is connected to the larger global community.

The University of Arizona Student Chapter ASLA is the official student body organization recognized by ASLA and its local chapter, the Arizona Chapter ASLA. Elected officers of the Student Chapter ASLA are chosen annually to represent the Landscape Architecture student body. As a liaison between students, ASLA and practicing professionals, this organization provides its members contacts with other students, schools and professionals locally and nation-wide. In addition, the Student Chapter ASLA represents the student body in the College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, makes recommendations to the director, hosts visiting speakers and scholars and organizes various scholarly and social activities. All students are encouraged to participate. The local dues are $50 and national dues are $50 per year, which includes a free subscription to Landscape Architecture Magazine, discounts to all fee-based National and State Chapter/ASLA services and events-including their Annual Meetings, bookstore offerings and a one-year free membership upon graduation.

ASLA 3rd Floor Studio: 3rd Floor Studio is a student run organization that offers professional development opportunities to graduate landscape architecture students while providing pro bono design and consultation to the Tucson community. Beginning in September 2010, 3rd Floor Studio members have worked on several projects including a playground, a schoolyard garden, part of Tumamoc Hill, a community garden and an ADA-accessible backyard.

2024-2025 ASLA Officers

Co-president - Esmeralda Carrasco -
Co-president - Ashley Danforth -
Treasurer - Christian Aguilar -
Secretary - Olivia Gilliam -
Outreach Coordinator - Isabela Santos -
Social Media Officer - Isabela Santos -
Studio Manager - Julia Nunn -
BLA 1st Year Representative - OPEN
BLA 2nd Year Representative - OPEN
BLA 3rd Year Representative - Mireya Ballesteros -
BLA 4th Year Representative - Annamaria Pongratz -
MLA 1st Year Representative - OPEN
MLA 2nd Year Representative - OPEN
MLA 3rd Year representative - Dan Schwab -


Co-President - Selenne Yescas
Co-President - Christian Aguilar-Murrieta
Treasurer - William Glockner
Secretary - Geday Sanchez 
Outreach Coordinator - Dan Schwab
Social Media Officer - Raul Berrellez
Studio Manager - Emma Hughes
Representative, MLA 3rd Year - Waverly Brown
Representative, MLA 2nd Year - Olivia Gilliam
Representative, BLA 4th Year - Andrew Brewster
Representative, BLA 3rd Year - Annamaria Pongratz
Representative, BLA 2nd Year - Elizabeth Allen