Kirk Dimond
Landscape Architecture
School of Landscape Architecture and Planning

Areas of Expertise
Landscape grading and drainage
Landscape performance
Renewable energy landscapes
Site design and construction
Kirk Dimond, LEED AP is an associate professor in Landscape Architecture with a BLA from Utah State University and a MS in Landscape Architecture from Penn State University. He teaches graduate and undergraduate studios with emphases in landscape performance through optimizing social and ecological synergies and tradeoffs in design decisions relating to ecology, energy, and water. Over the past few years his research has focused on renewable energy infrastructure and the opportunities and challenges they create in our cities and landscapes. Currently, he is seeking greater connections to professional landscape architects and researchers around the world to improve our understanding of place-based design performance in balancing water and energy resources in our built environment.
- LAR 301 Design Studio III
- LAR 610 Design Studio III
- LAR 255/555 Landscape Construction
- LAR 254/554 Site Engineering
- LAR 511 Design Studio II
- LAR 612 Design Studio V
Selected Publications
Pederson, F., Florendo, R., Khawaja, S. A., Dimond, K., & Kim, H. J. (2024). Effects on the compressive strength of cement-stabilized rammed earth blocks with varied content of buffelgrass-based fibers in wet-dry conditions. Frontiers in Built Environment, 10, 1362254.
Dickinson, S., Dimond, K., & Li, S. (2023). Green waste to green architecture: optimizing urban tree systems for renewable construction material supply chains. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 5(3), 263-273.
Preziuso, D. Dimond, K., and Ko, Y. (2023) Renewable Energy Landscapes Southwest and Pacific Northwest Workshops. (PNNL-34218). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy.
O’Neil, R., Preziuso, D., Arkema, K., Ko, Y., Pevzner, N., Dimond, K., Gore, S., Morrice, K., Henderson, C., Powell, D. (2022). Renewable Energy Landscapes: Designing Place-Based Infrastructure for Scale [White paper]. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Dimond, K. (2022). Site design for Solar PV within the urban boundary. In Yang & Taufen (Eds.) Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim. Routledge. (Scholarly work)
Fiorelli, T., Yu, Y., Ko, Y., Dimond, K., & Coffman, M. (2022). Colocation for Co-benefits: the SWOC Analysis of Brightfields and Agrivoltaics. In Yang & Taufen (Eds.) Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim. Routledge. (Scholarly work)
Pevzner, N., Ko, Y. & Dimond, K. (June 2021) Power Play: Designing for just and multi-functional energy landscapes. Landscape Architecture Magazine, pp. 106-117.
Dimond, K. (January 1, 2021). "A Pattern Language for Solar Photovoltaics." Landscape Journal 39 (1), 21-37.
Barron-Gafford, G. A., Pavao-Zuckerman, M. A., Minor, R. L., Sutter, L. F., Barnett-Moreno, I., Blackett, D. T., Thompson, M., Dimond, K., Gerald, A., Nabhan, G. P., & Macknick, J. E. (2019). "Agrivoltaics provide mutual benefits across the food–energy–water nexus in drylands." Nature Sustainability, 2(9), 848-855.
Dimond, K., & Webb, A. (2017). "Sustainable roof selection: Environmental and contextual factors to be considered in choosing a vegetated roof or rooftop solar photovoltaic system." Sustainable cities and society, 35, 241-249.