Minor in Architectural History & Theory

San Gimignano

Are you interested in preservation or the history and theory of architecture and the built environment? If so, the Minor in Architectural History and Theory is for you.

The Minor in Architecture History and Theory is designed for those students who are interested in preservation, who are studying to receive an advanced degree in art or architectural history or who are interested in history and theory of the built environment and would like to have this core area of study reflected in their transcripts.


The Minor in Architectural History and Theory curriculum consists of six courses (at least 18 units).

Minor Core

Three courses in the minor core are required, for a total of 9 units:

Course #Course TitleUnits
ARC 231
ARH 201
History and Theory of Architecture 1: Early World Architecture
Survey of Western Art in Society: Prehistoric through Gothic
ARC 232History and Theory of Architecture II: Renaissance through Early Modern World Architecture3
ARC 333 / ARC 333-SA
ARH 325 / ARC 325
History and Theory of Architecture III: Modern Architecture
History of Modern Architecture
 Total Units9

Minor Electives

6 units must be from: ARC 471X / ARC 471-SA OR an ARH 480 / ARH 480-SA course that contains a substantial architectural component with prior written approval of the History/ Theory Stream chair. 

3 additional units must come from: one of the courses listed below OR from ARC 471X / ARC 471-SA OR an approved ARH 480 / ARH 480-SA course that contains a substantial architectural component with prior written approval of the History/Theory Stream chair OR from another upper-level course that contains a substantial architectural component providing written approval is given by the History/Theory Stream chair prior to taking the course:

Course #Course TitleUnits
ARC 343 / ANT 402 / NES 403Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt3
ARC 403 / ARH 403 / NES 403Art and Architecture of the Islamic World3
ARC 471BArchitecture - Principia3
LAR 471FIntroduction to Heritage Conservation3
ARC 471-SAHistory/Theory Seminar Study Abroad3
ARC 481E / ARC 481B-SAArchitecture in the Mediterranean3
ARH 312Survey of Medieval Art and Architecture3
ARH 340A / ANTH 340A / CLA 340AIntroduction to Classical Art and Architecture3
ARH 340B / ANTH 340B / CLAS 340B / CLAS 340B-SAIntroduction to Roman Art and Archaeology3
ARH 406ASpanish Medieval Art and Architecture3
ARH 452Etruscan Art and Archaeology3
ARH 477 / CLAS 457Greek Architecture3
ARH 484 / CLAS 484Roman Art and Architecture3
PLG 456 / GEOG 456The American City3

More Information

For additional information, please contact a CAPLA advisor.