Minor in Real Estate Development

Minor in Real Estate Development

The Minor in Real Estate Development prepares students to create and sustain value across multiple types of firms within the real estate industry.

Core faculty are award-winning thought leaders who have significant experience and history of engagement with real estate research and practice. 

Students who complete the minor will be prepared to work at a variety of real estate firms across an array of sizes and asset classes, having mastered skills demanded by the marketplace. You’ll learn from practitioners through cases, presentations, projects and networking events. 

Students are required to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher for admission to the Minor in Real Estate Development.


The Minor in Real Estate Development curriculum consists of six courses (18 units). 

Core courses provide introductions to major concepts, strategies and empirical analytical techniques in residential and commercial real estate. Elective coursework facilitates student curiosity in complementary subject areas.

View the Minor in Real Estate Development Curriculum in PDF format:

Minor Core

Five courses in the minor core are required, for a total of 15 units. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher in the core to graduate with the minor:

Course #Course TitleUnits
RED 301Introduction to Real Estate (Fall and Spring)3
RED 401Introduction to Real Estate Finance* (Fall and Spring)3
RED 407Survey of Responsible Real Estate Development (Fall only)3
PLG 476The Land Development Process (Spring only)3
RED 498Real Estate Capstone** (Fall and Spring)3
 Total Units15


* Enrollment requirement: B or better in RED 301
** Enrollment requirement: C or better in RED 401
Please note that minor core courses are required, and substitutions are rarely approved. Please work closely with your major academic advisor to plan course sequencing accordingly since some courses are not offered every semester. 

Minor Electives

One course from the following minor electives is required to complete the minor, for a minimum of 3 units. 

Recommended CAPLA Electives

Course #Course TitleUnits
RED 421Placemaking and Urban Form3
RED 409Due Diligence and Entitlements3
RED 415Construction and Project Management3
RED 485Foundations of Economics for Planning and Real Estate Development3
SBE 221History of the Built Environment3
SBE 301Introduction to Design Thinking4

Recommended Non-CAPLA Electives

Course #Course TitleUnits
ALC 410Entrepreneurial Leadership in Agriculture and the Life Sciences3
ALC 411Principles and Applications of Organizational Innovation3
ALC 422Communicating Knowledge in Agriculture and the Life Sciences3
CE 381Construction Engineering Management*3
CE 482Construction Project Planning, Scheduling and Control*3
CE 483Construction Cost Estimating*3
ECON 301Micro-Economic Analysis and Applications*3
ECON 331Macro-Economic Analysis and Policy*3
FIN 304Real Estate Principles*3
GEOG 305Economic Geography*3
GEOG 371Principles and Practices of Regional Development*3
GEOG 379Urban Growth and Development*3
GEOG 456The American City*3
GEOG 471Problems in Regional Development*3
POL 483Urban Public Policy*3

* Students must qualify by admission, prerequisite or instructor permission.

Recommended General Education Courses for Background

These courses are additional optional courses that students may consider taking and will not substitute for any major core or elective courses required for the Real Estate Development minor.

Course #Course TitleUnits
ECON 200Basic Economic Issues3
PHIL 205Ethics, Economics of Wealth Creation3
PLG 256Sustainable Cities and Societies3

More Information

For more information on declaring the Minor in Real Estate Development, please contact Gretchen Luhr.