Architecture Professor of Practice Teresa Rosano Talks Building Accessibility and Inclusivity in New Interview

Teresa Rosano, assistant professor of practice in architecture at the College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, was interviewed on October 28, 2020 by the team at Ascension Wheelchair Lifts. Rosano, who is guiding a universal design studio for third-year Bachelor of Architecture students that is funded in part by Ascension and its parent company AGM, discusses the future of accessibility in architectural design and "what she hopes to instill about inclusivity in her students."
Specific questions address what drove her to become an architect, why accessibility in architecture is important, the future of accessible design in the built environment, what Rosano hopes to instill in CAPLA students about accessibility and her approach to architectural projects and accessibility as a partner in Ibarra Rosano Design Architects.
"As we engage in discussion about diversity, equity and inclusion, we often neglect to include our ableist biases in the conversation," says Rosano.
Rosano, who is a 1994 graduate of the University of Arizona's B.Arch program, joined CAPLA in 2011. With Luis Ibarra, she founded Ibarra Rosano Design Architects in 1999 after winning their first international design award. Since then, the duo has continued to earn international recognition for their unique desert modern architecture. Architecture Magazine has recognized Ibarra Rosano in its issue on the "Arizona School" featuring their state’s design vanguards. Since then, their work has gone on to be published in over 150 national and international publications and has received over 50 design awards. At CAPLA, she teaches site analysis and planning, architectural programming and design studios.