Ladd Keith Receives Urban Land Institute Award
The Assistant Professor of Planning and Chair of Sustainable Built Environments has been honored with the Rising Star Award from the Urban Land Institute Advisory Services Panel Program.

Ladd Keith, PhD has participated in four ULI panels since 2015, most notably as Chair for both the Jacksonville, Florida panel in 2018 on transit and economic development and the urban waterfront resilience panel in Miami, Florida in 2019. Ladd was also a major contributor to ULI’s 10 Principles of Resilience publication and continues to add his expertise to a number of ULI reports. According to ULI:
As a panelist, Ladd provides dual insight into municipal planning and resilience issues. As a panel Chair, his ability to facilitate the panel process, particularly with complex land use challenges, is a strength noted and appreciated by his fellow panelists. Ladd brings out the best in panelists and encourages each to provide their unique insight throughout the panel process. He continually keeps the broader goals of the panel in mind and is a calming presence even when long days during the panel week can ruffle any seasoned professional.
The ULI Advisory Services Rising Star Award was created in 2015 as a tribute to newer volunteers who have provided extraordinary service on panels and demonstrated incredible enthusiasm for and commitment to the Advisory Services Panel Program.