Lecture Recap and Video: Kirk Dimond on 'A Photovoltaic Green Roof'

The performative roles of a new photovoltaic green roof justify the coupling of these two systems at the University of Arizona. Goals in diplomacy, research, ecology and decarbonization align in the embodiment of this synergistic case toward sustainability. Research efforts and preliminary findings are described in context with the built systems to highlight environmental performance integration while catering to challenges in social functions.
Watch the Lecture
About Kirk Dimond

Kirk Dimond LEED AP is an assistant professor of landscape architecture and teaches graduate-level design studios and technical implementation courses. His research involves landscape performance by evaluating social and ecological synergies and tradeoffs in design decisions relating to ecology, energy and water. Kirk is currently working on the integration of solar PV infrastructure into the urban landscape through design strategies and exploration of social and environmental colocation opportunities.