Lecture Recap and Video: Vann Mollyvann: Lecture by Štefan Tkáč

March 30, 2022
Štefan Tkáč, Chair of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Associate Professor at American University of Phnom Penh
CAPLA Lecture Series Event
March 30, 2022

Štefan Tkáč

Chair of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Associate Professor at American University of Phnom Penh

CAPLA was pleased to host an exhibition of the work of Cambodian modernist architect Vann Molyvann (1926-2017). Molyvann was Cambodia´s first fully qualified architect and the man responsible for the new era of Cambodian postcolonial architecture nowadays referred to as The New Khmer Architecture. 

The exhibition was the outcome of research by the international architecture group called the Van Molyvann Project and the New Khmer Architecture Group features 20 A1 posters, an award-winning documentary, and 3D projection introducing the life of Vann Molyvann and detailly breaking up his most iconic buildings as the Olympic stadium complex, The Chaktomuk conference hall, the Teacher training college and others. The exhibition was also the first exposition of Vann Molyvann´s work outside the Asia-Pacific region as well as the very first appearance in the US.   

On the occasion of the exhibition inauguration, associate professor, AUPP´s chair of architecture, and visiting Fulbright scholar Mr. Štefan Tkáč along with his colleagues from the Van Molyvann Project and the New Khmer Architecture Group held an opening lecture on Vann Molyvann´s work.

Watch the Lecture

About Štefan Tkáč

Štefan Tkáč

Štefan Tkáč is the Chair of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Associate Professor at American University of Phnom Penh.

His most significant accomplishments as a professional include:

  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar to the University of Arizona – College of Engineering 
  • Dual PhD from the Technical University of Košice, the Slovak Republic and Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan R.O.C. 
  • PhD in both the Theory of Designing Buildings and Environment and Civil Engineering. 
  • CEO of an international architectural company STUDIO Ltd. 
  • The Technical University of Kosice´s representative in South and the Far East Asia and advisor to the rector’s office for International relationships.
  • Founder of the first Slovak academic International Branch Campus
  • Head of the Slovak~Taiwan hydro energy research lab
  • Author of the first complex mapping of Taiwanese hydropower plants 
  • The only Slovak member of the Asian Network of Industrial Heritage


Beth Weinstein


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