Urban Planning

Sunlit urban street with cyclist

Timely, Essential ‘Planning for Urban Heat Resilience’ Report Wins Planning Awards

CAPLA Assistant Professor of Planning and Sustainable Built Environments Ladd Keith and ASU Associate Professor Sara Meerow have been honored with the Western Planner 2022 Sheldon D. Gerber Merit Award for Excellence in Environmental Planning and 2022 APA Arizona Open Category (Applied Research) Award for their Planning for Urban Heat Resilience.

June Williamson

Designing Suburban Futures: June Williamson, Visiting Professor of Architecture

Visiting Professor of Architecture June Williamson has joined CAPLA for the Fall 2022 semester from The City College of New York. Her research focuses on northern American suburban form and its discontents, documenting how underperforming suburban property types and development patterns are being redeveloped, reinhabited or regreened.

Broadway Boulevard at Swan Road intersection, looking east

Award-Winning Report by CAPLA Urban Planning Students Envisions Equitable, Accessible Public Transportation for Underdeveloped Corridors in Tucson

Last spring, Master of Science in Urban Planning students in Associate Professor Kristina Curran's capstone course published the report Thriving Transit Corridors: Driving Transit-Oriented Development Along Tucson’s Broadway Corridor, which has been awarded the 2022 Student Project Award by the Arizona chapter of the American Planning Association.

Seth Asare Okyere

Deep Engagement with Local Communities: Seth Asare Okyere, Visiting Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Emerging Faculty Fellow

Seth Asare Okyere joined the college this semester as visiting assistant professor of urban planning as part of CAPLA's inaugural emerging faculty fellow program. Learn more about Seth, including his current research on socio-spatial and environmental aspects of everyday southern urban experiences in relation to social equity and community resilience planning.

Welcome to Meltsville sign

The Washington Post Built a Fake City to Demonstrate Extreme Heat: CAPLA’s Ladd Keith Provides Expert Analysis

“Welcome to Meltsville,” reads the new sign for a fake metropolis featured this week in The Washington Post. The interactive article relies on the expert analysis of Ladd Keith, assistant professor of planning and sustainable built environments at CAPLA, who provides insight on extreme heat's effects on infrastructure.

Forest Replogle

From Guarding the Coast to Guarding Community Equity: Forest Replogle ’16 MS Planning

Forest Replogle, a transportation planner with the Mid-Region Council of Governments Metropolitan Planning Organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, graduated from the UArizona MS Planning degree after serving in the U.S. Coast Guard, an experience that helped him think about "how the built environment affects health, wealth and ecology."

CAPLA faculty at Cool Pavement Project

The Washington Post Interviews CAPLA Professor on Creating ‘Cool Corridors’ to Counter Extreme Heat

Assistant Professor of Planning and Sustainable Built Environments Ladd Keith was interviewed by The Washington Post about the City of Tucson's Cool Pavement Program as well as the inequitable impacts of extreme heat on communities, the concepts behind "cool corridors" and more.

Downtown Tucson

Report by Planning Professor Gary Pivo Informs Regional and National Articles on Tucson Gentrification

A 2021 study by Gary Pivo, "Equity and Sustainability Assessment of Tucson's Government Property Lease Excise Tax (GPLET) Program," was cited by Phoenix Business Journal and Planetizen on articles about gentrification and affordable housing in Tucson, particularly in predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods.


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