Urban Planning

Expo 2010 at night

Inaugural Institute for the Study of International Expositions Symposium Looks to the Past to See the Future

On March 24 and 25, 2022, the Institute for the Study of International Expositions (ISIE) will host its first annual symposium: International Expositions: Looking to the Past, Seeing the Future. Registration for the online event co-sponsored by CAPLA is now open.

Downtown Tucson

Sustainable Built Environments Professor Ladd Keith Provides Insight for CBS Story on Tucson’s Climate Action Goal

Ladd Keith, CAPLA assistant professor of planning and sustainable built environments, was quoted in a February 17, 2022 KOLD-TV story on Tucson’s goals to become carbon neutral by 2030. “We need to make sure the most vulnerable in our community are taken care of when we address climate change.”


Lecture Recap and Video: Linda C. Samuels on 'Infrastructural Opportunism, Infrastructural Urbanism, Infrastructural Optimism'

Linda C. Samuels, assistant professor of urban design at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, joins us for the CAPLA Lecture Series on the topic of "Infrastructural Opportunism, Infrastructural Urbanism, Infrastructural Optimism." View the video from Samuels' January 31, 2022 presentation. 

Tucson at night

Tucson Mayor Cites Research by CAPLA Urban Planning Professor in Editorial on Tucson’s Transportation Future

An editorial by Tucson Mayor Regina Romero published in Arizona Daily Star on January 16, 2022, addresses fair representation in the Regional Transportation Authority, referencing research by Associate Professor of Urban Planning Arlie Adkins, who notes that "voting structures with one vote per jurisdiction can disenfranchise urban residents and people of color."

Georgia Pennington

The Right Tools for the Job: Georgia Pennington ’19 BS SBE, ’20 MS Urban Planning

Georgia Pennington, who is originally from Kansas City, Missouri, came to UArizona to study sustainability. While in the BS in Sustainable Built Environments program, she found herself most drawn to the urban planning courses, so then enrolled in the MS Urban Planning accelerated master’s program option. Upon graduation, she accepted a planning job with the City of Tucson.

Tactical urbanism in Queens, New York

‘Punctual Urbanisms’ Framework Proposed by UArizona Researchers Clarifies Small-Scale Urban Planning Interventions

In a paper published in 2021 in the Journal of Planning Literature, UArizona PhD student Monica Landgrave-Serrano and CAPLA Urban Planning Professors Philip Stoker and Jonathan Jae-an Crisman compiled and analyzed the many terms used to describe small-scale planning interventions, what they call "punctual urbanisms."


Will More Cities Hire a Chief Heat Officer? NBCLX Interviews Sustainable Built Environments Professor Ladd Keith

CAPLA Assistant Professor Ladd Keith, who worked with City of Los Angeles staff on its chief heat officer policy memo to create the new position, is interviewed by NBCLX to discuss the role of CHOs and how cities are better preparing for extreme heat.


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