News & Headlines

Solar panels in city

Sustainable Design Expert: The Building You're Sitting in is the Elephant in the Room

Assistant Professor of Architecture, Sustainable Built Environments and Marketing Jonathan Bean says buildings are the No. 1 pathway to achieving the Biden administration's new carbon emissions goals. He's training the next generation of architects, and with the College of Engineering creating the Climate-Positive Building Lab, to make climate-positive buildings the new normal.

Puerto Rico damaged houses on coastline

MS Urban Planning Student Envisions Resilient Energy Prioritization Tool for Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico

First-year MS Urban Planning student Chrissy Scarpitti has been awarded first place in the 2021 Planning Excellence Competition sponsored by the Friends of Planning for her project Resilient Energy: Community-Scale Solar Microgrid Siting on the Island of Puerto Rico.

Downtown Tucson and Sentinel Peak at sunset

CAPLA Students and Faculty Partner with Local First Arizona to Help Organizations Develop Sustainability Plans

Assistant Professor of Architecture Altaf Engineer and Lecturer in Architecture Sandra Bernal-Cordova helped build the SCALE UP curriculum and train its facilitators, and are now preparing to engage CAPLA students and recent graduates in the award-winning, community-oriented program.