Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

equity, diversity & inclusion

Making CAPLA a leader in inclusive excellence.

The College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion at all levels of the college.

We know there is still much work to do, but at CAPLA, we pledge real action.

In realization of the CAPLA Strategic Plan and in response to advocacy by students, alumni, faculty and staff, we commit to the measures addressed below to advance equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and will be tracking our progress here. We welcome your feedback.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Vision and Tenets


In the teaching, research and service it provides, CAPLA is committed to fostering equitable opportunities to diverse peoples and to promoting inclusive participation. Through educational programs, research and creative practice, we seek to build capacity in future built environment professionals to promote an equitable quality of life and to contribute to a just society.


  • We expect the programs and initiatives of CAPLA to reflect the society that we serve.
  • We advocate for non-discrimination and respect for the human and civil rights of all.
  • We assert that social justice and equity are inextricably linked to environmental stewardship and sustainability.
  • We acknowledge the pillars of equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of CAPLA endeavors including teaching and learning, research and outreach, mentorship and employment, as well as in our community and business transactions.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Summaries

After consultation with CAPLA faculty, staff, students and alumni, we are undertaking the following measures to improve the accessibility, climate and resources of our CAPLA community:

Following on the ad hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusive Excellence that worked to help formulate the Strategic Plan aspiration above, CAPLA has elevated EDI matters to the level of a standing CAPLA committee. The CAPLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, with diverse faculty, student and staff members, is a clearinghouse for questions, needs and ideas with respect to improving CAPLA practices and culture.

In order to set goals in a deliberate and meaningful way, goals for which we can be accountable, we had to first establish baselines of circumstances. To this end, we began and continue to gather demographic information about students, faculty and staff, including place of origin, race/ethnicity, gender and first-generation student status. This data is used to formulate recruitment, admissions, student support and faculty hiring plans each year.

Socioeconomic disparities in our country make it much harder for some students to complete college than others. Recognizing this, we have raised and continue to raise money and offer a portfolio of resources to provide as much ongoing and emergency financial support as possible to promising students in need, supporting them with respect to tuition and fees, technology needs and materials and supplies. 
We seek a level playing field for faculty as well, so that all those whom we have hired, and thus invested in, in fact have the resources to do the research and teaching for which they were hired. These efforts include partnership with the College of Engineering to provide grant support, prioritization of research needs on the part of tenure-track faculty and ongoing strategic investment in studio, lab and computer equipment to support instruction. CAPLA is also a participant in the national Deans’ Equity and Inclusion Initiative and has sponsored two cohorts of CAPLA DEII Fellows to date. 
Finally, the pandemic has concentrated our attention on matters of health and wellbeing and we have implemented proactive strategies to identify those in distress and intervene in a timely way.

Not all new CAPLA faculty or new CAPLA students (or even guests) know how a university and its units operate. That’s to be expected, but it is our obligation to inform, train and coach them about policies, procedures, best practices and—most important—our expectations for their conduct while they work or study here. Regular, mandatory harassment prevention and implicit bias trainings have been implemented for administrators, faculty and staff; bystander intervention training will be offered regularly to students. Guidelines for CAPLA guests have been drafted by the EDI Committee.

Even with training, conflicts sometimes occur. When they do, there should be clear guidelines for how to resolve them and evident points of contact with those administrators and staff who can help students and faculty. Conflict resolution guidelines have been drafted by the EDI Committee.

In a “loud” world, it is sometimes difficult to remain fully informed. However, the college takes seriously its opportunity to showcase the diversity of our students, faculty and staff and to highlight the variety of paths they have taken to CAPLA and that they take from CAPLA. Because there should be a plethora of paths to success, we want current and future students to find others like themselves in our mix—on our website, in our communications and in our classes. The effort to tell the stories of our community and our place in Arizona, the U.S. and the world is meant to build connections that enhance a sense of belonging and help mentor students and faculty to do productive work.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives: An Overview


Since 2020, CAPLA has completed the following EDI initiatives:

  1. Drafted a CAPLA EDI vision and EDI Committee mission.
  2. Gathered and made available demographic data for all programs and cohorts—in order to benchmark and set goals for recruitment and retention of diverse students, faculty, staff and administrators.
  3. Joined the National Organization of Minority Architects and created a CAPLA-wide NOMAS student chapter.
  4. Conducted mandatory implicit bias training for all faculty and staff and supervisory harassment prevention training for administrators.
  5. Created a new CAPLA EDI web section and dashboard including featured EDI narratives, a list of initiatives and indication of their implementation status, presentation of demographics, description of EDI committee membership, a list of associated student organizations and other resources.
  6. Developed an antiracism bibliography, making it and the listed texts available to the CAPLA community and using them to inform discussions to create a shared understanding of racism and other kinds of discrimination.
  7. Drafted guidelines for CAPLA guests and visitors in order to inform them about our culture and our expectations for professional and equitable interaction with members of the CAPLA community.
  8. Drafted a conflict resolution primer for students.

Continuing Progress

In 2022 and 2023, we have made progress on the following EDI initiatives, which are still underway:

  1. Prioritizing diversity and inclusion in all job searches.
  2. Requiring EDI training for all newly hired and ongoing faculty and staff supervisors in order to prevent harassment and discrimination, including micro-aggressions.
  3. Scheduling occasional faculty and staff trainings to address topics such as conflict resolution strategies, threat identification, and student mental health conditions that may impact different sub-populations of the CAPLA community differently.
  4. Providing occasional bystander intervention training for student ambassadors, student building monitors and leaders of student organizations.
  5. Setting student recruitment goals for local, state and regional recruitment of specific underrepresented populations in high schools and community colleges.
  6. Launching a First Generation Student Alliance.
  7. Providing faculty and peer mentoring to students at difficult transition points in our curricula.
  8. Creating and maintaining a roster of students who are eligible for need-based graduate funding packages.
  9. Fundraising at different scales and in different ways—in order to help meet tuition, fee, technology and/or material costs for students in need.
  10. Creating regular forums for students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni to discuss EDI issues in a safe space.
  11. Evaluating our curricula and pedagogies for EDI, identifying and showcasing models in CAPLA programs and elsewhere.
  12. Working through the Drachman Institute to engage with diverse and underserved local communities.
  13. Developing website profiles, other coverage and opportunities to celebrate diverse contributions that showcase the diverse members of the CAPLA community.

In 2024-2025, we will consider how best to regularize the composition and meeting schedule of the EDI Committee as part of a larger committee reorganization for effective shared governance and advocacy.  Our aim is to make equity, diversity, and inclusion a part of all we do at CAPLA.

All CAPLA EDI Initiatives

Tracking CAPLA's EDI Initiatives within the Framework of the CAPLA Strategic Plan

The CAPLA Strategic Plan has five values, including Make CAPLA a Leader in Inclusive Excellence. This value's objectives are:

  1. Recruit, support and retain successful students who reflect the future of Arizona and the communities we serve.
  2. Reinforce an inclusive and respectful environment where all faculty, administrators, staff, students and outside partners contribute to CAPLA’s success.
  3. Prioritize wellbeing, equity and diversity as a central tenet of CAPLA culture in all our activities.

Click an objective below for a comprehensive table of goals, means, time frame, responsibility and status for each EDI initiative within the objective:

Objective 1: Recruit, support and retain successful students who reflect the future of Arizona and will be active contributors during school.

Goal (In order to...) Means (We plan to...) Time frame Responsibility STatus
1.1. Focus on under-served Arizona populations.
Benchmark and set goals for recruitment and retention of diverse students, faculty, staff and administrators. Gather and make available demographics data for all programs and cohorts. Fall 2020 and annually thereafter Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


1.2. Embrace Hispanic-Serving Institution status.
Benchmark and set goals for recruitment and retention of diverse students, faculty, staff and administrators. Gather and make available demographics data for all programs and cohorts. Fall 2020 and annually thereafter Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


Further diversify the student body. Set recruitment goals for local, state and regional recruitment of specific underrepresented populations in high schools and community colleges. Fall 2020 and annually thereafter Advising, Recruitment Team


1.3. Optimize graduate funding packages in order to be competitive.
Identify student need. Poll students about need; create and maintain a roster of students who have identified themselves as having need. Fall 2020 and ongoing FRAME Squad*, Advising Team


Meet tuition, fee, technology and/or material costs for needy students. Fundraise at different scales and in different ways. Fall 2020 and ongoing Dean, Director of Development, Director of Alumni Relations, School Directors


Support minority students. Join National Organization of Minority Architects and create student chapter. Fall 2020 School of Architecture Director


Publicize the variety of careers possible with CAPLA degrees. Provide exposure to the work of varied alumni and regular summaries of trends among graduates from our disciplines nationwide Fall 2021 and ongoing Advancement Team


1.4. Provide GTA/GRA orientation, training and exit surveys.
Prevent implicit bias in working relationships with students and colleagues. Provide mandatory implicit bias training for faculty and staff. Fall 2020 and annually thereafter Dean, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


1.5. Support students from first contact to launch.
Provide mentorship to diverse students. Inform faculty about how to serve as informal mentors. Fall 2021 and ongoing Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


Encourage peer mentoring among students. Identify and train CAPLA Student Ambassadors, members of student organizations and other student volunteers to identify peers in distress or need and support them proactively. Fall 2021 and ongoing FRAME Squad*


Mentor students on self-representation and networking skills. Engage alumni in a mentor network and develop programming in which they explain how they have succeeded Fall 2021 and ongoing Director of Alumni Relations


Provide students with an easy means of reporting problems or concerns. Adopt or develop a student app. Fall 2021 Director of Marketing and Communications


* FRAME Squad includes advisors, recruiters, academic affairs, development, alumni, marketing and communications and school representatives.

Objective 2: Reinforce an inclusive and respectful environment where all contribute to CAPLA success.

Goal (In order to:) Means (We plan to:) Time Frame Responsibility Status
2.1. Provide cultural competency training for faculty and staff.
Mentor faculty with respect to policies and best practices for EDI. Require new faculty to participate in a one-semester CAPLA Teaching Academy and encourage ongoing participation by continuing faculty. Spring 2021 and annually thereafter Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


Prevent harassment and discrimination, including micro-aggressions. Require EDI training for all newly hired and ongoing faculty and staff supervisors. Fall 2020 for new hires and existing supervisors; every two years thereafter Dean


Inform CAPLA guests and visitors about our culture and our expectations. Draft Guest and Visitor guidelines. Fall 2021 and reviewed annually thereafter Associate Dean of Academic COMPLETE
2.2. Recruit diverse faculty.
Diversify faculty. Create faculty hiring plans. Spring and Fall 2021 Dean, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Dean for Research, Directors, Faculty


2.3. Provide new student, faculty and staff orientations to CAPLA culture.
Inform students about conflict resolution processes. Draft a Conflict Resolution primer. Fall 2020 and reviewed annually thereafter Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


Prevent student-on-student harassment. Develop student bias training to be embedded in a required course in each degree program. Spring 2022 Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty


Train students to intervene in student conflicts. Provide bystander Intervention training for Student Ambassadors and leaders of student organizations. Spring 2021 and annually each fall thereafter FRAME Squad*


2.4. Acknowledge the history of diverse groups and their contributions to CAPLA's disciplines.
Include coverage of diverse contributions to and systemic racism and other discrimination in the built environment, its professions and our academic disciplines. Review CAPLA courses and degree programs for EDI coverage and increase if missing or minimal. Spring 2021 and reviewed every third year thereafter Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Directors, Staff


Create a shared understanding of racism and other kinds of discrimination. Develop an antiracism bibliography, make it and the listed texts available to the CAPLA community and use shared readings to inform discussions. Fall 2020 and reviewed annually thereafter Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, EDI Committee


Diversify course content. Provide pointers for development of EDI content in CAPLA courses and degree programs. Summer 2021 Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty


* FRAME Squad includes advisors, recruiters, academic affairs, development, alumni, marketing and communications and school representatives.

Objective 3: Prioritize wellbeing, equity and diversity as a central tenet of CAPLA culture.

Goal (In order to:) Means (We plan to:) Time Frame Responsibility Status
3.1. Benchmark with peer institutions, seeking opportunities to improve practices and cultures.
Discuss EDI issues. Create regular fora for students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni. Fall 2020 and ongoing Dean, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


Draft a CAPLA EDI vision. Define "equity, diversity and inclusion" for CAPLA. Fall 2020 - 2021 EDI Committee


Engage with diverse and underserved local communities. Work through the Drachman Institute to build community relationships. Fall 2020 and ongoing Associate Dean for Research


3.2. Create inclusive marketing and promotional materials.  
Showcase the diverse members of the CAPLA community. Develop website profiles, other coverage and opportunities to celebrate diverse contributions. Fall 2020 and ongoing Director of Marketing and Communications


3.3. Create diversity and inclusion assessment.
See 1.1 and 1.2 above.      


Resources on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & the Built Environment

A bibliographical guide courtesy of University Libraries that includes an introduction plus publication resources in the following sections: Societal Systems and Structures of (In)Equity, Teaching/Education, Architecture and Cities.

View EDI & the Built Environment Resources

Profiles of CAPLA's Diverse Community

While statistical information is useful for seeing the whole of our community in the abstract, we recognize that each member is an individual with their own story. Here are the stories of a few of our students, faculty and alumni:

View All Student, Faculty and Alumni Profiles


Faculty, Staff & Student Demographics

The purpose of gathering and presenting demographic information is 1) to enable us to see the actual makeup of CAPLA at specific moments in time, 2) to undertake comparative analysis of the composition of the college over time and with other relevant entities and institutions, and 3) to make data-informed decisions about goals and means for change in the future. 

CAPLA faculty, staff and student demographic data is presented here in comparison to the University of Arizona and State of Arizona. Though the data presents a snapshot of the racial/ethnic and gender makeup of the college, it tells only a part of the story of who CAPLA is—and who we can become. Be sure to view our stories, profiles and projects and other work to gain a broader picture of the wide range of people who make up the college.

View race/ethnicity and gender for CAPLA faculty, staff and students:

CAPLA Faculty by Race/Ethnicity
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*



Race/Ethnicity CAPLA UArizona Arizona Residents
American Indian or Alaska Native 0% 2.1% 5.3%
Asian 6.9% 11.8% 3.7%
Black or African American 2.8% 2.5% 5.2%
Hispanic or Latinx 9.7% 10.3% 31.7%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0% 0.2% 0.3%
White 63.9% 75.4% 54.1%
Not Reported 9.7%    
Two or More Races 2.8%    

CAPLA Faculty by Gender
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*

Gender CAPLA UArizona Arizona Residents
Female 43.1% 45.3% 50.3%
Male 56.9% 54.7% 49.7%

* Arizona resident data is from July 2019 and includes residents of all ages.

CAPLA Staff by Race/Ethnicity
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*



Race/Ethnicity CAPLA UArizona Classified Staff** UArizona Other Appointed** Arizona Residents
American Indian or Alaska Native 0% 3.4% 3.9% 5.3%
Asian 0% 12.3% 8.0% 3.7%
Black or African American 0% 3.8% 4.1% 5.2%
Hispanic or Latinx 21.4% 24.1% 27.6% 31.7%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0% 0.5% 0.7% 0.3%
White 78.6% 70.7% 74.2% 54.1%

CAPLA Staff by Gender
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*

Gender CAPLA UArizona Classified Staff** UArizona Other Appointed** Arizona Residents
Female 60.7% 50.2% 61.6% 50.3%
Male 39.3% 49.8% 38.4% 49.7%

* Arizona resident data is from July 2019 and includes residents of all ages.
** Percentages exceed 100% due to selection of multiple races/ethnicities. UArizona data does not include administrators.

All CAPLA Students by Race/Ethnicity
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*



Reported Race /Ethnicity CAPLA UArizona** Arizona Residents
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.7% 3.4% 5.3%
Asian 2.8% 10.0% 3.7%
Black or African American 2.5% 6.4% 5.2%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1.8% 0.8% 0.3%
Hispanic or Latinx 21.6% 25.6% 31.7%
White 46.5% 65.5% 54.1%
International 8.6% 6.4%  
Not Reported  5.0%    
Two or More Races 10.5%    

All CAPLA Students by Gender
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*

Gender CAPLA UArizona Arizona Residents
Female 49.7% 55.6% 50.3%
Male 50.3% 44.4% 49.7%

* Arizona resident data is from July 2019 and includes residents of all ages.
** UArizona student race/ethnicity categories are based on 'Inclusive Race/Ethnicity'; therefore, percentages exceed 100%.

Undergraduate CAPLA Students by Race/Ethnicity
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*


Reported Race/Ethnicity CAPLA UArizona** Arizona Residents
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.9% 3.2% 5.3%
Asian 3.4% 9.4% 3.7%
Black or African American 2.7% 6.7% 5.2%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.6% 0.9% 0.3%
Hispanic or Latinx 27.6% 27.4% 31.7%
White 44.8% 67.1% 54.1%
International 9.2% 4.4%  
Not Reported 6.4%    
Two or More Races 4.4%    

Undergraduate CAPLA Students by Gender
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*

Gender CAPLA UArizona Arizona Residents
Female 49.9% 55.6% 50.3%
Male 50.1% 44.4% 49.7%

* Arizona resident data is from July 2019 and includes residents of all ages.
** UArizona student race/ethnicity categories are based on 'Inclusive Race/Ethnicity'; therefore, percentages exceed 100%.

Graduate CAPLA Students by Race/Ethnicity
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*



Reported Race/Ethnicity CAPLA UArizona** Arizona Residents
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.6% 3.8% 5.3%
Asian 3.0% 12.2% 3.7%
Black or African American 4.2% 5.6% 5.2%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.0% 0.6% 0.3%
Hispanic or Latinx 18.0% 19.3% 31.7%
White 46.7% 59.8% 54.1%
International 14.4% 13.3%  
Not Reported 9.0%    
Two or More Races 4.2%    

Graduate CAPLA Students by Gender
Compared to UArizona and State of Arizona, Fall 2021*

Gender CAPLA UArizona Arizona Residents
Female 48.5% 55.5% 50.3%
Male 51.5% 44.5% 49.7%

* Arizona resident data is from July 2019 and includes residents of all ages.
** UArizona student race/ethnicity categories are based on 'Inclusive Race/Ethnicity'; therefore, percentages exceed 100%.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee

The CAPLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is comprised of faculty, staff and students whose goal is to help the college meet its core value of being a leader in inclusive excellence.

Learn More and View Committee Members

Nancy Pollock-Ellwand

CAPLA Dean's Statement on 
Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice  

Dean Nancy Pollock-Ellwand's statement to students, alumni and colleagues, which reiterates our core values and objectives related to inclusive excellence and commits us to further action.

View Dean's Statement

Student Organizations

CAPLA's student organizations strive to promote equity, diversity and inclusion among membership and in their activities. Student organizations with a particular focus on diversity and inclusion include:

CAPLA International Students Club (ISC)
ISC is dedicated to facilitating communication between students and faculty and promoting a friendly environment for all CAPLA students while providing them with the opportunity of finding a home away from home.

NOMA: National Organization of Minority Architects Arizona Student Chapter
NOMA is a student organization with a mission to create a unified community within CAPLA, to serve as an increasingly influential voice in minimizing the effects of discrimination and to promote the voice and work of minority design and built environment students for the betterment of our community.

Puente is the Hispanic student organization of CAPLA. Hispanic and other students are always welcome.

Women in Architecture Society (WIAS)
WIAS focuses on the support and positive representation of women in architecture and other, related design fields. Their goal is to empower women and provide advice and guidance as they go through school and the profession.

CAPLA EDI News & Headlines

View All CAPLA EDI News & Headlines


Provide Feedback

We welcome your feedback on our equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives and resources, and you may leave a response—which will be shared with the associate dean for academic affairs and other CAPLA faculty or staff as appropriate—with your contact information or anonymously. Thank you.

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