Student Projects & Awards







Students create a wide variety of outstanding and often award-winning work during their time at CAPLA.






Check out a gallery of select student work or scroll down to view more detailed examples of student projects and work from undergraduate and graduate architecture, landscape architecture, sustainable built environments, urban planning and other students:

Narratives and Galleries

Sonoran Soundscapes

CAPLA Graduate Students Bring Sights and Sounds of the Sonoran Desert to Austin for SXSW

“For thousands of years, the beauty of the Sonoran Desert has invoked wonder among its human inhabitants,” says Hunter Lohse when introducing the Sonoran Soundscape project that he and fellow MLA students Alizabeth Potucek and Christian Galindo created with Assistant Music Professor Yuanyuan (Kay) Le for the UArizona Wonder House at South by Southwest in March.

Broadway Boulevard at Swan Road intersection, looking east

Award-Winning Report by CAPLA Urban Planning Students Envisions Equitable, Accessible Public Transportation for Underdeveloped Corridors in Tucson

Last spring, Master of Science in Urban Planning students in Associate Professor Kristina Curran's capstone course published the report Thriving Transit Corridors: Driving Transit-Oriented Development Along Tucson’s Broadway Corridor, which has been awarded the 2022 Student Project Award by the Arizona chapter of the American Planning Association.

CAPLA Design/Build

CAPLA Design/Build involves students in hands-on projects via studio courses, independent study and other courses with lab components. The pedagogy of design/build centers around the belief that learning by doing is a powerful method of gaining and retaining knowledge because of the immediate application to tangible problems.