School of Landscape Architecture & Planning Research

Faculty research

Our faculty conduct a wide array of transformative research related to development, planning, design and the built environments.

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Select Faculty Publications

View faculty publications by year:

Kristina M. Currans; Stahl, Kenneth A. Are Traffic Studies “Junk Science” That Don’t Belong in Court? Viewpoint Article, Journal of American Planning Association. (2023)

de Abreu e Silva, João; Schneider, Robert J; Van Acker, Veronique; Kristina M. Currans (Ed.). (Forthcoming, June 2023). Handbook on Transport and Land Use: A Holistic Approach in an Age of Rapid Technological Change. Edward Elgar.

Chambers, Samuel N., Heidi E. Brown, Ladd Keith, and Erika Austhof. (2023). Development of a Geographic Human Heat Balance Equation to Support Public Health Analyses: An Arizona Urban Sun Corridor application. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 32 (2023), 101009.

Chambers, Samuel N., Geoffrey A. Boyce, Daniel E. Martinez, Coen Bongers, and Ladd Keith. (2023). The contribution of physical exertion to heat-related illness and death in the Arizona borderlands. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology. 46 (2023), 100590. 

Sami, Ida and Ladd Keith. (2023). How do streetcar transit users and streetcar decision-makers perceive heat risk? Journal of Public Transportation. 25(2023), 100045. 

Hughes, Halley B., David D. Breshears, Kimberly J. Cook, Ladd Keith, and Joseph R. Burger. (2023). Household energy use response to extreme heat evaluated with a biophysical model of temperature regulation: An Arizona case study. PLOS Climate. 2(4), e0000110.

Arthur C. Nelson"Homes on the Range: Closing the Southern Tied Household Gap," The Western Planner. January 28, 2023.

Arthur C. Nelson and Robert Hibberd. Do Complete Streets Make a Difference? (January 22, 2023). Available at SSRN:

Alsherfawi Aljazaerly, A., Seth Asare Okyere, Fatemi, M.N., Frimpong, L.K. and Kita, M. (2023), "Configuring urban morphological changes: the case of Damascus city in the late modern era," Archnet-IJAR

Seth Asare Okyere, Louis Kusi Frimpong, Matthew Abunyewah and Stephen Kofi Diko, "Accra's most vulnerable residents were failed during COVID - the government didn't understand their realities". The Conversation. August 23, 2023.

Seth Asare Okyere, Frimpong, L.K., Mensah, S.L., Oviedo, D., Amoako-Sakyi, R.Nieto, M., Kita, M., (2023) Planning for Walkable Cities in Africa: Co-producing Knowledge on Conditions, Practices, and Strategies. Social Impacts, 100005,

Abunyewah, M., Erdiaw-Kwasie, M.O., Seth Asare Okyere et al. Advancing a slum–circular economy model for sustainability transition in cities of the Global South. Nature Sustainability (2023).

Abunyewah, M., Erdiaw-Kwasie, M. O., Seth Asare Okyere, Thayaparan, G., Byrne, M., Lassa, J., ... & Maund, K. (2023). Influence of personal and collective social capital on flood preparedness and community resilience: Evidence from Old Fadama, Ghana. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 103790.

Ner NT, Seth Asare Okyere, Abunyewah M, Frimpong LK, Kita M. (2023) The Resilience of a Resettled Flood-Prone Community: An Application of the RABIT Framework in Pasig City, Metro Manila. Sustainability. 2023; 15(8):6953.

Seth Asare Okyere, Louis Kusi Frimpong, Matthew Abunyewah and Stephen Kofi Diko. "Accra's market fires are devastating to informal traders--but they don't trust or understand what they're being told about managing risk." The Conversation. May 29, 2023.

Seth Asare Okyere, Frimpong, L.K., Abunyewah, M., Diko, S.K., Md. Fatemi, N., Mensah L., Barnie, S., Kita, M. (2023) The moderating role of Covid-19-related support on urban livelihood capitals: Evidence from suburban Accra. Urban Governance,

Stephen Leonard Mensah, Louis Kusi Frimpong, Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Seth Barnie Enning, Matthew Abunyewah, Joshua Mawutor Attigah, A digital turn for urban management? Residents’ perception and utilisation of the digital property address system in Accra, Ghana., Urban Governance (2023), doi:

Seth Asare Okyere, Lisa Ueno, Mowa Ebashi, Motoki Shimoda, Hiroshi Tsuji, Michihiro Kita (2023). Engaging Elementary School Pupils in Community Awareness and Planning: Insights From the Kaizuka Machizukuri Club, Osaka. Routledge, Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education

Godfred Addai, Matthew Abunyewah, Michael Odei Erdiaw-Kwasie, Seth Asare Okyere, Michael Asiedu Gyensare, Lawrence Guodaar (2023). Application of the Rural Web Framework within the Context of Sustainable Development: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 2023, 15(5), 4239:

Clifton, Kelly J.; Kristina M. Currans. Illustrated by Joaquin Golez. Edited by Ryan Alexander-Tanner and Susan Kirtley. (2022) Moving from Cars to People. Published by the National Institute of Transportation and Communities. English and Spanish Comic Book is available here.

Kristina M. Currans; Nicole Iroz-Elardo. Tucson COVID-19 Response: Quantum Q’Straint Automatic Wheelchair Loading Evaluation. Research report for the Tucson Transit Management LLC dba Sun Tran and Federal Transit Authority. Final Report in Editing (December 2022).

Kristina M. Currans; McCahill, Chris; Iroz-Elardo, Nicole; Clifton, Kelly J.; Handy, Susan; Abou-Zeid, Gabby˚. Linking Off-Street Parking with Vehicle Miles Traveled. Research report for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Final Report, Caltrans (2022).

Clifton, Kelly J; Howell, Amanda; Kristina Currans; Abou-Zeid, Gabriella; Nonamaker; Max; Carder, Paula. Accessing Opportunities for Household Provisioning Post-COVID-19. Final report #NITC-RR-1435 for the National Institute for Transportation and Communities project. (October 2022). Report and data are available here.

Broach, Joseph; Kristina M. Currans; Roll, Josh.; Orrego-Oñate, Jaime P. Incorporating Bicycle Activity and Vehicle Travel Reduction from Bicycle Infrastructure into Strategic Planning Tools.  Final report #NITC-RR-1314 for the National Institute for Transportation and Communities. (2022). Under review, will be available here.

Jorge Andrés Delgado-Ron, Nicole Iroz-Elardo, Lawrence Frank, "Health effects of fixed-guideway transit: A systematic review of practice-based evidence", Journal of Transport & Health, Volume 26, 2022.

Keith, Ladd, Sara Meerow, Philip Berke, Joseph DeAngelis, Lauren Jensen*, Shaylynn Trego, Erika Schmidt, and Stephanie Smith. (2022). Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard™ (PIRS™) for Heat: Spatially evaluating networks of plans to mitigate heat (Version 1.0).

Ladd Keith, "Extreme heat is here. Here's how we create a heat-resilient nation." Smart Cities Dive, July 13, 2022.

Heidi E. Brown, Ladd Keith, Valerie Madera-Garcia, Anissa Taylor, Nicholas Ramirez, Irene Ogata; "Greening Up For Mosquitoes: A Comparison of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in a Semiarid Region."  Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, June 1, 2022; 38 (2): 109–112. doi:

Ladd Keith and Sara Meerow, Planning for Urban Heat Resilience: PAS Report 600, American Planning Association, April 6, 2022.

Joseph E. Iuliano and Ladd Keith. (2022). Near Misses and Split Routes: Comparing Rider Behavior, Driver Interaction, and Route Choice for Cyclists. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security.

Shujuan Li and Bo Yang. (2022) "Social media for landscape planning and design: a review and discussion," Landscape Research, DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2022.2060953.

Arthur C. Nelson. "Financing City Resilience," The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Law and Policy: Risk, Recovery, and Redevelopment, edited by John Travis Marshall, Ryan Rowberry and Susan S. Kuo. Cambridge University Press. October 27, 2022.

Matthew Abunyewah, Michael Odei Erdiaw-Kwasie, Patrick Arhin, Michael Yaw Acheampong, Seth Asare Okyere; "Rural water project planning and evaluation in Ghana: a new methodological perspective." Water Policy 2022; wp2022157. doi:

Frimpong, L.K., Mensah, S.L., Seth Asare Okyere, Abunyewah, M., Diko, S.K., Enning, S.B. and Attigah, J.M. (2022), "Digitalisation for whom: the determinants of residents' use of the digital property address system in Accra, Ghana", Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Opoku Mensah, S., Akanpabadai, T.Ab., Diko, S.K., Seth Asare Okyere and Benamba, C. "Prioritization of climate change adaptation strategies by smallholder farmers in semi-arid savannah agro-ecological zones: insights from the Talensi District, Ghana." Journal of Social and Economic Development. (2022).

Louis Kusi Frompong, Matthew Abunyewah, Seth Asare Okyere and Stephen Kofi Diko, "Ghana digitised its address system; its failure offers lessons to other African countries creating smart cities", The Conversation. November 22, 2022.

Seth Asare Okyere and Stephen Kofi Diko, "Ghana's informal residents show how social innovation can solve urban challenges", The Conversation. November 14, 2022.

Abunyewah, M., Seth Asare Okyere, Frimpong, K., Diko, S. K., Boateng, V., Erdiaw K.M (2022) "Fire Risk Communication in the urban informal sector: Evidence from traditional marketplaces in Accra." Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, Vol. 13, 4.

Nikko Torres Ner, Seth Asare Okyere, Matthew Abunyewah, Michihiro Kita, "Integrating resilience attributes into local disaster management plans in Metro Manila: Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps," Progress in Disaster Science, 2022, 100249, ISSN 2590-0617,

Gary Pivo, Adam Douglas Henry, Lena Berger, Edna Liliana Gomez-Fernandez; "Organizational networks and sustainable urban water practices in US local governments." Water Policy, February 1, 2022; 24 (2): 382–396. doi:

Yuan Lai, Sokratis Papadopoulos, Franz Fuerst, Gary Pivo, Jacob Sagi, Constantine E. Kontokosta, "Building retrofit hurdle rates and risk aversion in energy efficiency investments," Applied Energy, Volume 306, Part B, 2022, 118048, ISSN 0306-2619,

Monica Landgrave-Serrano and Philip Stoker (2022) "Increasing physical activity and active transportation in an arid city: Slow Streets and the COVID-19 pandemic", Journal of Urban Design, DOI: 10.1080/13574809.2022.2112512.

Endter-Wada, J., Sternlieb, F., Church, S.P. and Philip Stoker (2022), Featured Collection Introduction: “Connecting Land and Water for Healthy Communities”. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58: 313-318.

Kirk Dimond. January 1, 2021. "A Pattern Language for Solar Photovoltaics." Landscape Journal 39 (1), 21-37.

Nicole Iroz-Elardo and Kristina Currans. (2021). "Injury burden of introducing e-scooters: A systematic review of e-scooter injury studies using emergency department record review, 2015-2019". Transportation Research Record. doi: 10.1177/03611981211032216

Nicole Iroz-Elardo, Arlie Adkins and M. Ingram (2021). "Measuring Perceptions of Social Environments for Walking: a Scoping Review of Walkability Surveys". Health & Place. 67:102468. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2020.102468

Ladd Keith, Sara Meerow, David M. Hondula, V. Kelly Turner, and James C. Arnott. (2021). Deploy heat officers, policies and metrics. Nature. 598(7879), 29-31.

Meerow, Sara and Ladd Keith. (2021). Planning for extreme heat: A national survey of U.S. planners. Journal of the American Planning Association.

Ladd Keith, Nicole Iroz-Elardo, Austof, E., Sami, I. and Arora, M. (2021). "Extreme Heat at Outdoor COVID-19 Vaccination Sites." Journal of Climate Change & Health.

Shujuan Li and Bo Yang. "How important are the park size and shape to a park system's performance? An exploration with big data in Tucson, Arizona, USA." Socio-Ecological Practice Research (2021).

Arthur C. Nelson, Robert Hibberd, Kristina Currans and Nicole Iroz-Elardo. 2021. Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate. Five volumes. Portland, OR: National Institute of Transportation and Communities, Portland State University.

Kim, Keuntae, Keunhyun Park and Arthur C. Nelson. 2021. "Impacts of Light Rail Transit on Labor Participation and Housing Affordability in the U.S.: A Longitudinal Analysis using Propensity Score Matching."  Transportation Research Record.

Arthur C. Nelson and Robert Hibberd. 2021. "(Overlooked) Association between Express Bus Station/Stop Proximity and Multifamily Rents with a Surprise about Transit Mode Synergism and Implications for Transit and Land Use Planning." Transportation Research Record.

Arthur C. Nelson and Robert Hibberd. 2021. "The Influence of Rail Transit on Development Patterns in the Mountain Mega-Region with a Surprise and Implications for Rail Transit and Land Use Planning." Transportation Research Record.

Gary Pivo, Equity and Sustainability Assessment of Tucson’s Government Property Lease Excise Tax (GPLET) Program, A Report for the Tucson Office of Economic Initiatives, February 12, 2021.

Berger, L., AD Henry and Gary Pivo, "Role of city collaboration networks in the acceleration and attenuation of Integrated Water Management." Water Policy. Accepted and forthcoming.

Landgrave-Serrano, M., Philip Stoker, Crisman, J. (2021). “Punctual Urbanisms: Rapid Planning Responses to Urban Problems.”  Journal of Planning Literature. In Press.  

Bierbrauer, A., Brachna, J., Stefani, K., Piro, R., Philip Stoker. (2021) “Survey of Water Planning in Colorado Final Report”. Prepared for the Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

Ming Chen, Jincheng Bail, Shenwei Zhu, Bo Yang and Fei Dai. "The influence of neighborhood-level urban morphology on PM2.5 variation based on random forest regression." Atmospheric Pollution Research 12 (2021).

Garfin, G., Falk, D., O’Connor, C., Jacobs, K., Sagarin, R., Haverland, A., Haworth, A., Baglee, A. Weiss, J., Overpeck, J., Adriana Zuniga-Teran. (2021). "A new mission: mainstreaming climate adaptation in the US Department of Defense." Climate Services. Vol. 22.

Gerlak, A.K., Elder, A., Sanderford, A., Adriana Zuniga-Teran., Pavao-Zuckerman, M. (2021). "Agency and Governance in Green Infrastructure Policy Adoption and Change."  Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning.

Gerlak, A.K., Elder, A., Thomure, T., Shipek, C., Adriana Zuniga-Teran., Pavao-Zuckerman, M., Gupta, N., Mastler, M., Berger, L., Henry, A.D., Bo Yang, Murrieta-Saldivar, J., Meixner, T. (2021). Green infrastructure: Lessons in governance and collaboration from Tucson. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 63, issue 3.

Makarewicz, C., P. Dantzler, P. & Arlie Adkins. 2020. Another Look at Location Affordability: Understanding the Detailed Effects of Income and Urban Form on Housing and Transportation Expenditures. Housing Policy Debate, 1-23. 

Jonathan Bean, Kristina Currans & Nicole Iroz-Elardo. (2020). "Unmasking invisibility". Interactions. 27(3): 22-23.

Courtney Crosson, Andrea Achilli, Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Elizabeth A. Mack, Tamee Albrecht, Padmendra Shrestha, Dominic L. Boccelli, Tzahi Y. Cath, Glen T. Daigger, Jennifer Duan, Kevin E. Lansey, Thomas Meixner, Stephanie Pincetl and Christopher A. Scott. "Net Zero Urban Water from Concept to Applications: Integrating Natural, Built, and Social Systems for Responsive and Adaptive Solutions." Environmental Science and Technology Water (2020).

Kristina Currans, G. Abou-Zeid, K.J. Clifton, A. Howell & R. Schneider. 2020. Improving Transportation Impact Analyses for Affordable Housing Developments: A Data Collection and Analysis of Trip Generation Data. Cities. Vol. 103.

Susannah Dickinson, Jonathan Bean & Aletheia Ida. Critical Practices in Architecture: The Unexamined. 2020 (Cambridge Scholars).

Nicole Iroz-Elardo, J. Schoner, E. Fox, A. Brookes & L.D. Frank (2020). "Active Travel and Social Justice: Addressing Disparities and Promoting Health Equity through a Novel Approach to Regional Transportation Planning." Social Science & Medicine. 261: 113211.

Lauri Macmillan Johnson & Kirk Dimond. "BACKFLIP - Papago Park City Boundary, Arizona," topos. March 2020.

Ladd Keith, Meerow, S. & Wagner, T. (2020). "Planning for extreme heat: a review." Journal of Extreme Events, Vol. 6, Nos. 3&4, 2050003.

Austhof, E., V. Berisha, B. McMahan, G. Owen, Ladd Keith, M. Roach & H. Brown. 2020. "Participation and Engagement of Public Health Stakeholders in Climate and Health Adaptation,"Atmosphere. (March).

Arthur C. Nelson & Robert Hibberd. 2019 (finalized for distribution in 2020). The Link between Transit Station Proximity and Real Estate Rents, Jobs, People and Housing with Transit and Land Use Planning Implications. Portland, OR: National Institute of Transportation and Communities, Portland State University.

Daniel Parolek with Arthur C. Nelson. 2020. Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to Today’s Housing Crisis. Washington, DC: Island Press.

Deakin, Elizabeth, Arthur C. Nelson, Kristina Currans, D. Lee & J. Renne. The Transportation and Land Development Committee TRB Centennial Paper. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Invited paper. (2020).

Arthur C. Nelson. "The Little Train That Did: Commercial Real Estate Rents and Proximity to Tucson's Sun Link Modern Streetcar with Lessons for Future Expansions," TREND Report. April 2020.

Arthur C. Nelson. 2020. The Great Senior Short-Sale or Why Policy Inertia Will Short Change Millions of America's Seniors. Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy, 4: 470-5245.

Arthur C. Nelson & Robert Hibberd. 2020. The Influence of Rail Transit on Development Patterns in the Mountain Mega-Region with a Surprise and Implications for Rail Transit and Land Use Planning. Transportation Research Record.

Gary PivoA.D. Henry & L. Berger. "Essential elements at play in local environmental policy change: A guide for the perplexed,Environmental Science and Policy. April 2020.

Berger, L., Henry, A. D. & Gary Pivo. (2020). "Integrated water management recommendations in practice: coexistence of old and new ways in Arizona." Water Policy.

Kontokosta C.E., F. Franz, Gary Pivo, J. Sagi, Y. Lai & S. Papadopoulos. 2019. "Estimating Office and Residential Building Energy Retrofit Hurdle Rates and Risk Arbitrage in Energy Efficiency Investments, Real Estate Research Institute Working Paper." RERI-LBNL Research Grant. 

An, X. & Gary Pivo. (2020). "Green buildings in commercial mortgage‐backed securities: the effects of LEED and energy star certification on default risk and loan terms." Real Estate Economics, 48(1), 7-42.

Bell, E., AD Henry and Gary Pivo, "Assessing Sectoral Heterogeneity and Leadership in Urban Water Management." Water Policy 22(5), 867-886. 2020.

Philip Stoker & Adriana Zuniga-Teran. "Urban water security: a comparative study of cities in the arid Americas," Environment and Urbanization. 2020. With R. E. Diaz-Caravantes, F. Martin, M. Bernabeu and C. Scott.

Philip Stoker. "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)," chapter in Basic Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners. 2020 (Routledge).

Bo Yang. 2020. Landscape Performance Evaluation for Socio-Ecological Practice: Current Status and Prospects. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 2, 91–104.

Díaz-Caravantes, R. E., Adriana Zuniga-Teran, F. Martín, M. Bernabeu, Philip Stoker & C. Scott. 2020. Urban water security: a comparative study of cities in the arid Americas. Environment and Urbanization, 32(1), 275-294.

Lutz-Ley, A.N., Scott, C.A., Wilder, M., Ocampo-Melgar, A., Lara-Valencia, F., Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Buechler, S., Diaz-Caravantes, R., Varady, R., Ribeiro Neto, A., Pineda Pablos, N. & Martin, F. (2020). Dialogic science-policy networks for water security governance in the arid Americas. Environmental Development Special issue organized by the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Mussetta, P., Lutz-Ley, A.N., Diaz-Caravantes, R.E. & Gerlak, A.K. (2020). Analyzing water policy impacts on vulnerability: Cases across the rural-urban continuum in the arid Americas. Environmental Development. Special issue organized by the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Gerlak, A.K., Mayer, B., Evans, T.P. & Lansey, K.E. (2020). “A multidimensional assessment of urban resilience from green infrastructure systems.” Submitted for inclusion in the Special Issue of Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability – Resilience and Complexity: Frameworks and Models to Capture Social-Ecological Interactions, edited by Christopher Scott, and François-Michel Le Tourneau. Vol. 4. Pp. 42-47.

Gerlak, A.K. & Adriana Zuniga-Teran. (2020). Addressing injustice in green infrastructure through socio-ecological practice: What is the role of university-community partnerships? Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 2: 149-159.

Varady, R.G., Gerlak, A.K., Mayer, B.M., Albrecht, T., Lemos, M.C., Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Wilder, M.O., Mukherjee, A. & Ernst, K.C. (2020). The exigencies of transboundary water security: Insights on community resilience. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Vol. 44. Pp.74-84. Special Issue: Resilience and Complexity: Frameworks and Models to Capture Social-Ecological Interactions.

Wilder, M., Varady, R.G., Gerlak, A.K., Mumme, S., Flessa, K., Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Scott, C., Pineda Pablos, N. & Megdal, S. (2020). Hydrodiplomacy and adaptive governance at the U.S.-Mexico border: 75 years of tradition innovation in transboundary water management. Environmental Science and Policy, 112: 189-202.

Blanchon, D., Keck, F., Tonnelat, S., Le Tourneau, F-M. & Adriana Zuniga-Teran. (2020). Sentinel Territories: A new concept to look at environmental change. Metropolitics.

Arlie Adkins, G. Barillas-Longoria, D. Nevarez Martinez & M. Ingram. 2019. “Differences in social and physical dimensions of perceived walkability in Mexican American and non-Hispanic white walking environments in Tucson, Arizona.” Journal of Transport and Health, 14, 100585.

Kristina Currans & Arthur C. Nelson. 2019. A Framework to Operationalize a Deep and Vast Literature for Practice: Translating Land Value Uplift Literature to Estimate Economic Impacts of Multimodal Transportation System Projects. Transportation Research Record, 2673(8), 62–72.

Clifton, K.J. & Kristina Currans. 2019. Multimodal Trip Generation, Vehicle Ownership and Use: Characterizing the Travel Patterns of Residents of Multifamily Housing. Prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities. (Available online at:

Chapman, J., Whitfield, K., Nicole Iroz-Elardo, Henley, C., Alfonsin, N., Hagerman & L. Frank, L. (2019). Integrating Health and Transportation in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Transportation Association of Canada.

Frank, L.D, Nicole Iroz-Elardo, A. Hong & K. MacLeod. 2019. Pathways from built environment to health: Connecting behavior and exposure based impacts. Journal of Transport and Health. 12:319-335.

Christensen, K., S. Chen & Shujuan Li. 2019. A Comparison of park access with park need for children: Case study in Cache County, Utah. Landscape and Urban Planning. 187:119-128.

Li, E., J. Endter-Wada & Shujuan Li. 2019. Dynamics of Utah’s agricultural landscapes in response to urbanization: a comparison between irrigated and non-irrigated agricultural lands. Applied Geography. 105: 58-72.

Arthur C. Nelson & R. Hibberd. 2019. Express Busways and Economic Development: Case Study of the Miami-Dade South Express Busway. Research in Transportation Economics Transportation 77.

Arthur C. Nelson & R. Hibberd. 2019. Streetcars and Real Estate Rents with Implications for Transit Planning. Transportation Research Record, 2673(10), 714–725.

Kontokosta C.E., F. Franz, Gary Pivo, J. Sagi, Y. Lai & S. Papadopoulos. 2019. Estimating Office and Residential Building Energy Retrofit Hurdle Rates and Risk Arbitrage in Energy Efficiency Investments, Real Estate Research Institute Working Paper – RERI-LBNL Research Grant. 

Philip Stoker, H. Chang, E. Wentz, B. Crow-Miller, G. Jehle & M. Bonnette. 2019. Building water-efficient cities: A comparative analysis of how the built environment influences water use in four wester US cities. Journal of the American Planning Association. 1-14. 

Philip Stoker, S. Hinners, D. Jackson-Smith & Z. Levine. 2019. Neighborhood Effects on Urban Water Use. Sustainable Water Resources Management.

Bo Yang & Young, R. (Eds.). 2019. Ecological Wisdom: Theory and Practice. The Springer EcoWISE (Ecological wisdom inspired science and engineering) book series. United Kingdom: Springer-Nature.

Canfield, J., Bo Yang & Whitlow, H. 2019. Evaluating Landscape Performance: A Guidebook for Metrics and Methods Selection. Washington, D.C.: Landscape Architecture Foundation.

Bo Yang & Shujuan Li. 2019. Blending project goals and performance goals in ecological planning: Ian McHarg’s contributions to landscape performance evaluation. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 1, 209-225. Special Issue Design With Nature at 50: retrospect and prospect.

Cheng, M. Dai, F., Bo Yang & S.W. Zhu. 2019. Assessing the effects of urban green infrastructure morphological pattern on PM2.5 in the neighborhoods of five Chinese megacities. Building and Environment, 158, 1-15.

Cheng, M. Dai, F., Bo Yang & S.W. Zhu. 2019. Evaluating the effects of neighborhood green space on PM2.5 mitigation: Evidence from five megacities in China. Building and Environment, 156, 33-45.

Flint, C., D. Jackson-Smith, Bo Yang & T. Dean. 2019. Transdisciplinary Socio-Scientific Practice: Lessons Learned from Social and Engineering Water Science. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 1(1), 55-66.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Philip Stoker, R.H. Gimblett, B.J. Orr, S.E. Marsh, D.P. Guertin & N.V. Chalfoun. 2019. Exploring the influence of neighborhood walkability on the frequency of use of greenspace. Landscape and Urban Planning, 190. 103609.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran & C. Staddon. 2019. Chapter 13: Tucson, Arizona – A story of “water resilience” through diversifying water sources, demand management, and ecosystem restoration. In Resilient Water Services and Systems: The Foundations of Well-Being, P. Juuti, H. Mattile, R. Rajala, K. Schwartz, and C. Staddon, (eds.). IWA Publishing.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran. 2019. “Walkable Neighborhoods.” In Chapter 15 – Urban ecology and modern life. In Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, What Really Works by D. Schmidtz and D.C. Shahar (eds.). Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran. 2019. “Urban ecology.” In Chapter 15 – Urban ecology and modern life. In Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, What Really Works by D. Schmidtz and D.C. Shahar (eds.). Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran, C. Staddon, L. De Vito, A.K. Gerlak, S. Ward, Y. Schoeman, A. Hart & G. Booth. 2019. Challenges for mainstreaming green infrastructure in built environment professions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran & A.K. Gerlak. 2019. A multidisciplinary approach to analyzing questions of justice issues in urban greenspace. Sustainability, 11, 3055.

Ward, S., Staddon, C., L. De Vito, Adriana Zuniga-Teran, A.K. Gerlak, Y. Schoeman, A. Hart & G. Booth. 2019. Embedding social inclusiveness and appropriateness in engineering assessment of green infrastructure to enhance urban resilience. Urban Water Journal.

Select Faculty Presentations

View faculty presentations by year:

Clifton, Kelly J.; Howell, Amanda; Kristina Currans. "Chronicling Food Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Poster Presentation (TRBAM-23-03565) at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2023.

Avila, Ashley; Iroz-Elardo, Nicole; Ladd Keith; Kristina M. Currans. "The Effect of Vehicular Waste Heat on Personal Heat Exposure." Poster Presentation (TRBAM-23-03193) at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2023.

Heath, Lauren; Iroz-Elardo, Nicole; Ladd Keith; Kristina M. Currans. Urban Heat Mitigation Techniques in Transportation Planning: A Look at the Literature. Poster Presentation (TRBAM-23-03726) at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2023.

Arthur C. Nelson. "Financing City Resilience". Georgia State University Law School Symposium, February 2, 2023. Atlanta, GA.

Arthur C. Nelson. "Using the Tax Code to Preserve Ecosystem Services and Help Achieve 30% Land Preservation by 2030." Rocky Mountain Land Institute, March 10, 2023. Denver, CO.

Arthur C. Nelson. "Transfer of Development Rights." Urban Land Use Institute, April 6, 2023. St. George, UT.

Kristina Currans, "The Effect of Vehicles on Personal Heat Exposure: A Pilot Study," Annual Meeting of the Transportation Review Board, Spring 2022.

Kristina Currans, "Effects of Intesection Design on Non-Optimal Behaviors of E-Scooter and Other Users," Annual Meeting of the Transportation Review Board, Spring 2022.

Kristina Currans, "'It's Complicated': Exploring the Relationship Status of In-store and Online Grocery Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic," Annual Meeting of the Transportation Review Board, Spring 2022.

Kristina Currans and Ladd Keith, "Effect of Vehicles on Personal Heat Exposure: A Pilot Study," Annual Meeting of the Transportation Review Board, Spring 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Extreme Heat Planning Workshop," Invited Co-host and Moderator, Spring 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Planning for Extreme Heat," Lifelong Learning in Retirement at the Highlands, Spring 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Community Perspectives: Roundtable discussion with state and local partners to understand current priorities and challenges in heat resilience planning," National Integrated Heat Health Information Systems National Meeting, Spring 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Geospatial Online Tools for Public Participation Demonstrations" Invited Moderator, Mapping the Way Ahead: Online Geospatial Tools for Public Participation, Spring 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Planning for Extreme Heat and Equity," First Annual Symposium, Spring 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Planning for Urban Heat Resilience," Lecture Series, Summer 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Integrating energy justice with community climate action planning," EGU General Assembly 2022, Summer 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Planning for Urban Heat Resilience," Living with Climate Change: Extreme Heat, Summer 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Extreme Heat Resilience," Invited Facilitator, Ideation Hour, Summer 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Planning for Urban Heat Resilience," Cool Roof Outreach Quarterly Meeting, Summer 2022.

Ladd Keith, "Geospatial Online Tools for Public Participation Demonstrations" Invited Moderator, Mapping the Way Ahead: Online Geospatial Tools for Public Participation, Summer 2022.

Gary Pivo, "Equity and Sustainability Assessment of Tucson’s Government Property Lease Excise Tax (GPLET) Program," Presentation to Tucson City Council, February 22, 2021.

Gary Pivo, "Gentrification." Presentation for the League of Women Voters for Symposium on Gentrification: What Is It? And Who Is At The Table? January 16, 2021.

Esther M. Sternberg, Altaf Engineer, Bo Yang, Li, S., Co-Is: Young-Jun Son, Y.J., & Philip Stoker (2021, March). DASH-SAFE: A Multi-Modal Geographic Information System (GIS) Dashboard for Near Real-time Mapping of Perceived COVID Risk/Safety in a Campus Environment. Poster (virtual), 2021 Integrative Medicine & Health Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran. 2021. “Equity in green infrastructure: Community engagement in Tucson and Ambos Nogales.” Presented virtually during the Climate Pilot Project Symposium Crossing Latinidades organized by the University of Illinois, Chicago. Funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation. April 9, 2021.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran and Gerlak, A. 2021. “Diseño urbano sustentable: Justicia en los espacios verdes urbanos.” Presented virtually by A. Zuniga-Teran as a Keynote Speaker for the Seminario Permanente de Posgrado en Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. March 3, 2021.

Arlie Adkins, Ingram, M., & Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Sonmez, E. (2020). Workshop: QPED Toolkit – Qualitative Pedestrian Environments Data for better, more equitable transportation decision-making. 2020 Active Living Conference, February 2-5, 2020.

Kristina Currans, Abou-Zeid, G., & Nicole Iroz-Elardo. Linking Residential Parking to Automobile Transportation Impact Outcomes at a Development Level. 2020 Transportation Review Board Meeting. Washington, DC. 2020.

Nicole Iroz-Elardo, Arlie Adkins, & M. Ingram. (2020). Measuring Perceptions of Social Environments for Walking: a Systematic Review of Walkability Surveys. Poster at 2020 Transportation Review Board Meeting. Washington, DC.

Nicole Iroz-Elardo & Ladd Keith. (2020). Heat and healthy habits: supporting physical activity in an era of increased extreme heat risk. Poster at 2020 Active Living Conference, February 2-5, 2020.

Ladd Keith, Hondula D., Jones H., Meerow S. and Turney, V. Kelly, Workshop Organizers: Advancing the Theory and Practice of Urban Heat Resilience. October 19-20, 2020.

Elizabeth Deakin, Arthur C. Nelson, Kristina Currans, David Lee and John Renne. 2020. Transportation and Land Use. Centennial Papers. Transportation Research Board.

Arthur C. Nelson. Keynote, Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute. 2020. "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet: Transforming the Built Environment Through Its Nonresidential Spaces."

Arthur C. Nelson. Special Lecture, Urban Fellows, Georgia State University School of Law. 2020. "The Great Senior Short-Sale."

Arthur C. Nelson. Congress for the New Urbanism. 2020. "Missing Middle Housing."

Arthur C. Nelson. Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute. 2020. "Financing Resilient City Growth”.

Arthur C. Nelson. Transportation Research Board. 2020. "The Influence of Rail Transit on Development Patterns in the Mountain Mega-Region with Implications for Rail Transit and Land Use Planning."

Arthur C. Nelson. Transportation Research Board. 2020. “The Link between Transit Station Proximity and Mode Choice to Work, Working at Home, Vehicle Ownership, and Transportation Costs with Implications for Transit and Land Use Planning Implications."

Arthur C. Nelson. Transportation Research Board. 2020. "The (Overlooked) Link between Express Bus Stations and Commercial Rents with Implications for Transit and Land Use Planning". 

Clare Robinson and Arlie Adkins. "The Green Book in Arizona: Intersecting urban history, heritage, and planning." EAAE-ARCC International Conference, Valencia, Spain, November 11-14, 2020.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran. 2020. “State of the Cienega Watershed.” Presented at the Cienega Watershed Partnership Workshop, via Zoom. September 18.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Murrieta, J., Garcia-Perez, H., Buechler, St. Lara-Valencia, F. Spickard, G. 2020. “Second Planning Workshop: Raingardens for my School”. This workshop was the conclusion of the project titled “Developing an outreach model for green infrastructure to address flooding and sewage spills in Ambos Nogales,” funded by the Arizona-Sonora Inter-University Alliance. September 24.

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View our latest research stories and profiles:

A woman and two men pose for a group photo.

Extreme Heat Planning Works: Building on a Proven Platform at the Second Annual Southern Arizona Heat Summit

Held at the University of Arizona’s ENR2 building, the 2nd Annual Southern Arizona Heat Summit brought together experts and community leaders to discuss strategies for extreme heat preparedness, featuring presentations from City of Tucson Mayor Regina Romero and other officials.

Ladd Keith moderating a break out discussion during the 2024 Southern Arizona Heat Summit

City of Tucson Adopts Comprehensive Heat Action Roadmap with UArizona Collaboration

Collaborative efforts from City of Tucson leadership and staff, community stakeholders, and University of Arizona faculty to address escalating heat challenges have resulted in the adoption of a newly crafted Heat Action Roadmap and Heat Protection Ordinance for city workers and contractors.

Sign in the desert warns of extreme heat to travelers

New federally funded center will rely on UArizona expertise to help communities manage extreme heat

A new federal initiative will rely on University of Arizona research and scholarship to help communities across the U.S. create policies and take action to mitigate and manage extreme heat. Ladd Keith, an associate professor in CAPLA, will lead UArizona's involvement in the center.

HUD grant recipients

Drachman Institute Will Help Establish New Center to Study Housing Equity and Sustainability with $3M Federal Grant

Researchers from the UArizona Drachman Institute, along with colleagues from ASU, NAU and the University of New Mexico, will research housing security, climate and health with a focus on Hispanic and underserved communities in the arid Southwest.