Students create a wide variety of outstanding work during their time at the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning.
View detailed examples of student projects and work from undergraduate and graduate landscape architecture, real estate development, sustainable built environments and urban planning students:

Sonoran Birds and Climate Change: UArizona Landscape Architecture Students Work with Community to Design Urban Bird Habitats
In a collaborative effort between students in CAPLA’s Master of Landscape Architecture program and key community organizations, the recent Sonoran Birds + Climate Change studio led by Mackenzie Waller took on the task of reimagining a small neighborhood park in Tucson.

Undergraduate Landscape Architecture Students Create Exterior Concepts for New South Tucson Coffee Shop
Under the guidance of landscape architecture lecturers Alexandra Stoicof and Nolan Bade, 19 students in a fall 2022 BLA design studio created concepts for a new coffee shop coming soon to South Tucson: Luna y Sol Cafe.

CAPLA Student-Faculty Team Uses GIS to Create Digital Atlas and Award-Winning Poster of Historical Buddhist Sites in Hangzhou, China
This spring, MS Urban Planning student Glenn Ingram, recent MLA graduate Mattea Wallace and Associate Professor Philip Stoker, working with UArizona East Asian Studies Professor Jiang Wu, created the “Regional Religious Systems in Hangzhou China” story map using GIS. This fall, Ingram's poster from the project won an award.

CAPLA Graduate Students Bring Sights and Sounds of the Sonoran Desert to Austin for SXSW
“For thousands of years, the beauty of the Sonoran Desert has invoked wonder among its human inhabitants,” says Hunter Lohse when introducing the Sonoran Soundscape project that he and fellow MLA students Alizabeth Potucek and Christian Galindo created with Assistant Music Professor Yuanyuan (Kay) Le for the UArizona Wonder House at South by Southwest in March.

Award-Winning Report by CAPLA Urban Planning Students Envisions Equitable, Accessible Public Transportation for Underdeveloped Corridors in Tucson
Last spring, Master of Science in Urban Planning students in Associate Professor Kristina Curran's capstone course published the report Thriving Transit Corridors: Driving Transit-Oriented Development Along Tucson’s Broadway Corridor, which has been awarded the 2022 Student Project Award by the Arizona chapter of the American Planning Association.

Award-Winning Student Map Aims to Help Southern California City Plant a Sustainable Future
Recent Master of Landscape Architecture student Irene Pineda has won first place in the graduate/professional student category of the UArizona 2022 Data Visualization Challenge for her map Plant Trees in Pomona for a Sustainable Future. Her map identifies where trees should be planted to provide more shading in the rapidly industrializing Southern California city.

Camp Naco Story Map
The Camp Naco story map tells the story of the still-standing adobe Buffalo Soldier cavalry camp and its meaning both to the descendants of these soldiers and to African American members of the military and their families.

50 Years of Commercial Real Estate Development in Tucson
When Arizona Daily Star sought to put together a “visual trip down memory lane” of Tucson’s commercial real estate development over the last five decades, it turned to students in the Master of Real Estate Development program to lead the research.

MS Urban Planning Student Wins Best Student Map Award from Arizona Geographic Information Council
First-year MS Urban Planning student Glenn Ingram has won the Best Student Map award among all collegiate entrants in the 2021 Arizona Geographic Information Council Maps & Apps Contest. His map, "New York City 100-Year Floodplain," contrasts NYC's population density with the FEMA 100-year floodplain.

UArizona Architecture Students Design a More Sustainable Tucson Thanks to CAPLA Partnership with GLHN
Since 2017, GLHN Architects & Engineers has sponsored and provided technical advising on four architecture studios designed to craft a more sustainable Tucson by the year 2050. This year, the focus turns to urban food systems.

Confronting Borderlands: Kenneth J. Kokroko '17 MLA
Kenneth J. Kokroko's Confronting Borderlands proposes a new monument to peace the straddles the United States-Canada border, and seeks to integrate the existing (to be dismantled) Peace Towers into the newly designed landscape at the International Peace Garden.

MS Urban Planning Student Envisions Resilient Energy Prioritization Tool for Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico
First-year MS Urban Planning student Chrissy Scarpitti has been awarded first place in the 2021 Planning Excellence Competition sponsored by the Friends of Planning for her project Resilient Energy: Community-Scale Solar Microgrid Siting on the Island of Puerto Rico.